Mathematische Nachrichten
No. 221,  2001

Original Paper

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mana_OP_but.gifJoan Cerdà, Joaquim Martín
Calderón Couples of Lorentz Spaces
/ Lorentz spaces / Calderón interpolation couples / Banach lattice / weight K-functional /
Math. Nachr. 221 (2001), 5-18

mana_OP_but.gifDer-Chen Chang, Jingzhi Tie
Some Differential Operators Related to the Non-Isotropic Heisenberg Sub-Laplacian
/ Fundamental solutions / Laguerre calculus / heat kernel / Schrödinger and wave operators /
Math. Nachr. 221 (2001), 19-39

mana_OP_but.gifW.D. Evans, D.J. Harris, L. Pick
Ridged Domains, Embedding Theorems and Poincaré Inequalities
/ Generalized ridged domains / embedding theorems / Poincaré inequalities / rearrangement-invariant Banach function spaces / measure of non-compactness / rooms and passages / trumpet-shaped domains /
Math. Nachr. 221 (2001), 41-74

mana_OP_but.gifAntonio S. Granero, M. Mar Jiménez, José P. Moreno
On the Nonseparable Subspaces of J(η) and C([1, η])
/ Long James spaces / nonseparable subspaces /
Math. Nachr. 221 (2001), 75-85

mana_OP_but.gifAtsushi Noma
Stability of Frobenius Pull-Backs of Tangent Bundles of Weighted Complete Intersections
/ Tangent bundle / stable vector bundle / complete intersection /
Math. Nachr. 221 (2001), 87-93

mana_OP_but.gifJohannes Sjöstrand
Resonances for Bottles and Trace Formulae
Math. Nachr. 221 (2001), 95-149

mana_OP_but.gifGerhard Ströhmer
About the Approximation of Unsteady Flows by the Eigenfunctions of a Certain Differential Operator
/ Navier-Stokes equations / Galerkin methods / eigenfunctions /
Math. Nachr. 221 (2001), 151-168

mana_OP_but.gifPiotr Wojdyllo
Unconditional Basis in Bargmann Space-New Proof of Gröcheni-Walnut Theorem
/ Bargmann spaces / unconditional bases / Gabor frames / Wilson bases /
Math. Nachr. 221 (2001), 169-181