A ballistic pendulum can be used to measure the initial velocity of a projectile striking the pendulum. In this simulation a ball is captured by the pendulum bob. Together they rise a short distance which is displayed. You will need to use the conservation of momentum and the conservation of energy in two separate steps to determine the initial velocity of the ball.
Run the simulation to see what happens when the ball is caught by the pendulum. The simulation stops after the pendulum rises to its maximum height so that you can easily see the change in height.
Find the initial velocity of the ball. To do this, consider the collision between the ball and pendulum. Is it elastic? Inelastic? Is energy conserved? Is momentum conserved? Then, consider the swing and rise of the pendulum and embedded ball. Is energy conserved then? How about momentum?
You can adjust the mass of the ball. Predict what would happen if you doubled the mass of the ball. Try it.
Is energy conserved from the moment just before the ball strikes the pendulum to the moment the pendulum rises to its maximum height?