/* A histogram plotter. @Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. PT_COPYRIGHT_VERSION_2 COPYRIGHTENDKEY @ProposedRating Yellow (cxh@eecs.berkeley.edu) @AcceptedRating Yellow (cxh@eecs.berkeley.edu) */ package ptolemy.plot; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Histogram /** A histogram plotter. The plot can be configured and data can be provided either through a file with commands or through direct invocation of the public methods of the class. To read a file or a URL, use the read() method.

When calling the public methods, in most cases the changes will not be visible until paint() has been called. To request that this be done, call repaint(). One exception is addPoint(), which makes the affect of the new point visible immediately (or nearly immediately) if the plot is visible on the screen.

The ASCII format for the file file contains any number commands, one per line. Unrecognized commands and commands with syntax errors are ignored. Comments are denoted by a line starting with a pound sign "#". The recognized commands include those supported by the base class, plus a few more. The commands are case insensitive, but are usually capitalized. The number of data sets to be plotted does not need to be specified. Data sets are added as needed. Each dataset is identified with a color (see the base class).

The appearance of the histogram can be altered by the following commands:

Bars: width
Bars: width, offset
The width is a real number specifying the width of the bars as a fraction of the bin width. It usually has a value less than or equal to one, and defaults to 0.5. The offset is a real number specifying how much the bar of the i th data set is offset from the previous one. This allows bars to "peek out" from behind the ones in front. It defaults to 0.15. Note that the frontmost data set will be the first one.

The width of each bin of the histogram can be specified using:

BinWidth: width
This is given in whatever units the data has. By default, each bin is centered at x = nw, where w is the width of the bin and n is an integer. That bin represents values in the range (x - w/2, x + w/2). The alignment of the bins can be changed with the following command:
BinOffset: offset
If this method is used with argument o, then each bin is centered at x = nw + o, and represents values in the range (x - w/2 + o, x + w/2 + o). So for example, if o = w/2, then each bin represents values from nw to (n + 1)w for some integer n. The default offset is 0.5, half the default bin width.

To specify data to be plotted, start a data set with the following command:

DataSet: string
Here, string is a label that will appear in the legend. It is not necessary to enclose the string in quotation marks. To start a new dataset without giving it a name, use:
In this case, no item will appear in the legend. New datasets are plotted behind the previous ones. The data itself is given by a sequence of numbers, one per line. The numbers are specified as strings that can be parsed by the Double parser in Java. It is also possible to specify the numbers using all the formats accepted by the Plot class, so that the same data may be plotted by both classes. The x data is ignored, and only the y data is used to calculate the histogram. @author Edward A. Lee @version $Id: Histogram.java,v 1.33 2003/05/05 06:39:12 cxh Exp $ @since Ptolemy II 0.3 */ public class Histogram extends PlotBox { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// public methods //// /** Add a legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified * data set with the specified string. Short strings generally * fit better than long strings. * @param dataset The dataset index. * @param legend The label for the dataset. */ public void addLegend(int dataset, String legend) { _checkDatasetIndex(dataset); super.addLegend(dataset, legend); } /** In the specified data set, add the specified value to the * histogram. Data set indices begin with zero. If the data set * does not exist, create it. * The new point will visibly alter the histogram if the plot is visible * on the screen. Otherwise, it will be drawn the next time the histogram * is drawn on the screen. *

* In order to work well with swing and be thread safe, this method * actually defers execution to the event dispatch thread, where * all user interface actions are performed. Thus, the point will * not be added immediately (unless you call this method from within * the event dispatch thread). All the methods that do this deferring * coordinate so that they are executed in the order that you * called them. * * @param dataset The data set index. * @param value The new value. */ public synchronized void addPoint(final int dataset, final double value) { Runnable doAddPoint = new Runnable() { public void run() { _addPoint(dataset, value); } }; deferIfNecessary(doAddPoint); } /** In the specified data set, add the specified y value to the * histogram. The x value and the connected arguments are * ignored. Data set indices begin with zero. If the data set * does not exist, create it. * @param dataset The data set index. * @param x Ignored. * @param y The Y position of the new point. * @param connected Ignored */ public synchronized void addPoint(int dataset, double x, double y, boolean connected) { addPoint(dataset, y); } /** Clear the plot of all data points. If the argument is true, then * reset all parameters to their initial conditions, including * the persistence, plotting format, and axes formats. * For the change to take effect, you must call repaint(). *

* In order to work well with swing and be thread safe, this method * actually defers execution to the event dispatch thread, where * all user interface actions are performed. Thus, the clear will * not be executed immediately (unless you call this method from within * the event dispatch thread). All the methods that do this deferring * coordinate so that they are executed in the order that you * called them. * * @param format If true, clear the format controls as well. */ public synchronized void clear(final boolean format) { Runnable doClear = new Runnable() { public void run() { _clear(format); } }; deferIfNecessary(doClear); } /** Write plot data information to the specified output stream in PlotML, * but in such a way that the Plot class can read it and reproduce the * histogram. The ordinary mechanism for saving the histogram * records the raw data and the configuration to be used by this class. * @param output A buffered print writer. * @param dtd The DTD, or null to reference the default. */ public synchronized void exportToPlot(PrintWriter output, String dtd) { if (dtd == null) { output.println(""); output.println( ""); } else { output.println(""); output.println(""); } output.println(""); output.println(""); super.writeFormat(output); output.println( ""); for (int dataset = 0; dataset < _points.size(); dataset++) { // Write the dataset directive String legend = getLegend(dataset); if (legend != null) { output.println(""); } else { output.println(""); } Hashtable data = (Hashtable)_histogram.elementAt(dataset); Enumeration keys = data.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Integer bin = (Integer)keys.nextElement(); Integer count = (Integer)data.get(bin); // The X axis value is a bit complex to get. int xValue = (int)(bin.intValue() * _binWidth + _binOffset); output.println("

"); } output.println(""); } output.println(""); output.flush(); } /** Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits. * This overrides the base class method to ensure that the * fill is actually performed in the event dispatch thread. * In order to work well with swing and be thread safe, this method * actually defers execution to the event dispatch thread, where * all user interface actions are performed. Thus, the fill will * not occur immediately (unless you call this method from within * the event dispatch thread). All the methods that do this deferring * coordinate so that they are executed in the order that you * called them. */ public synchronized void fillPlot() { Runnable doFill = new Runnable() { public void run() { _fillPlot(); } }; deferIfNecessary(doFill); } /** Create a sample plot. */ public synchronized void samplePlot() { // Create a sample plot. clear(true); setTitle("Sample histogram"); setXLabel("values"); setYLabel("count"); Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) { this.addPoint(0, 5.0 * Math.cos(Math.PI * ((double)i)/500.0)); this.addPoint(1, 10.0 * random.nextDouble() - 5.0); this.addPoint(2, 2.0 * random.nextGaussian()); } this.repaint(); } /** Set the width and offset of the bars. Both are specified * as a fraction of a bin width. The offset is the amount by which the * i < sup>th data set is shifted to the right, so that it * peeks out from behind the earlier data sets. * @param width The width of the bars. * @param offset The offset per data set. */ public synchronized void setBars(double width, double offset) { // Ensure replot of offscreen buffer. _plotImage = null; _barwidth = width; _baroffset = offset; } /** Set the offset of the bins, in whatever units the data are given. * Without calling this, each bin is centered at x = nw, * where w is the width of the bin and n is an integer. * That bin represents values in the range (x - w/2, x + w/2). * If this method is called with argument o, then each bin is * centered at x = nw + o, and represents values in the range * (x - w/2 + o, x + w/2 + o). So for example, if o = w/2, * then each bin represents values from nw to * (n + 1)w) for some integer n. * @param offset The bin offset. */ public synchronized void setBinOffset(double offset) { // Ensure replot of offscreen buffer. _plotImage = null; _binOffset = offset; } /** Set the width of the bins, in whatever units the data are given. * @param width The width of the bins. */ public void setBinWidth(double width) { // Ensure replot of offscreen buffer. _plotImage = null; _binWidth = width; } /** Write the current data and plot configuration to the * specified stream in PlotML syntax. This writes the histogram, * not the raw data, in such a way that the Plot class (not the * Histogram class) will correctly render it. * The URL (relative or absolute) for the DTD is * given as the second argument. If that argument is null, * then the PlotML PUBLIC DTD is referenced, resulting in a file * that can be read by a PlotML parser without any external file * references, as long as that parser has local access to the DTD. * The output is buffered, and is flushed before exiting. * @param out An output writer. * @param dtd The reference (URL) for the DTD, or null to use the * PUBLIC DTD. */ public synchronized void write(Writer out, String dtd) { // Auto-flush is disabled. PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(out), false); exportToPlot(output, dtd); } /** Write plot data information to the specified output stream in PlotML. * @param output A buffered print writer. */ public synchronized void writeData(PrintWriter output) { super.writeData(output); for (int dataset = 0; dataset < _points.size(); dataset++) { // Write the dataset directive String legend = getLegend(dataset); if (legend != null) { output.println(""); } else { output.println(""); } // Write the data Vector pts = (Vector)_points.elementAt(dataset); for (int pointnum = 0; pointnum < pts.size(); pointnum++) { Double pt = (Double)pts.elementAt(pointnum); output.println("

"); } output.println(""); } } /** Write plot format information to the specified output stream. * @param output A buffered print writer. */ public synchronized void writeFormat(PrintWriter output) { super.writeFormat(output); // NOTE: Regrettably, the meaning of the barGraph data is // different for a histogram than for a normal plot. // In a histogram, it is proportional to the bin width. // Thus, this is not the same as the corresponding line // in exportToPlot(). output.println( ""); output.println(""); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// protected methods //// /** Check the argument to ensure that it is a valid data set index. * If it is less than zero, throw an IllegalArgumentException (which * is a runtime exception). If it does not refer to an existing * data set, then fill out the _points and _histogram * Vectors so that they refer * to all existing data sets. * @param dataset The data set index. */ protected void _checkDatasetIndex(int dataset) { if (dataset < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plot._checkDatasetIndex: Cannot" + " give a negative number for the data set index."); } while (dataset >= _points.size()) { _points.addElement(new Vector()); _histogram.addElement(new Hashtable()); } } /** Draw bar from the specified point to the y axis. * If the specified point is below the y axis or outside the * x range, do nothing. If the clip argument is true, * then do not draw above the y range. * Note that paint() should be called before * calling this method so that _xscale and _yscale are properly set. * @param graphics The graphics context. * @param dataset The index of the dataset. * @param xpos The x position. * @param ypos The y position. * @param clip If true, then do not draw outside the range. */ protected void _drawBar(Graphics graphics, int dataset, long xpos, long ypos, boolean clip) { if (clip) { if (ypos < _uly) { ypos = _uly; } if (ypos > _lry) { ypos = _lry; } } if (ypos <= _lry && xpos <= _lrx && xpos >= _ulx) { // left x position of bar. int barlx = (int)(xpos - _barwidth *_binWidth * _xscale/2 + dataset * _baroffset *_binWidth * _xscale); // right x position of bar int barrx = (int)(barlx + _barwidth *_binWidth * _xscale); if (barlx < _ulx) barlx = _ulx; if (barrx > _lrx) barrx = _lrx; // Make sure that a bar is always at least one pixel wide. if (barlx >= barrx) barrx = barlx+1; // The y position of the zero line. long zeroypos = _lry - (long) ((0-_yMin) * _yscale); if (_lry < zeroypos) zeroypos = _lry; if (_uly > zeroypos) zeroypos = _uly; if (_yMin >= 0 || ypos <= zeroypos) { graphics.fillRect(barlx, (int)ypos, barrx - barlx, (int)(zeroypos - ypos)); } else { graphics.fillRect(barlx, (int)zeroypos, barrx - barlx, (int)(ypos - zeroypos)); } } } /** Draw the axes and then plot the histogram. If the second * argument is true, clear the display first. * This method is called by paint(). To cause it to be called you * would normally call repaint(), which eventually causes paint() to * be called. *

* Note that this is synchronized so that points are not added * by other threads while the drawing is occurring. This method * should be called only from the event dispatch thread, consistent * with swing policy. * @param graphics The graphics context. * @param clearfirst If true, clear the plot before proceeding. */ protected synchronized void _drawPlot(Graphics graphics, boolean clearfirst) { // We must call PlotBox._drawPlot() before calling _drawPlotPoint // so that _xscale and _yscale are set. super._drawPlot(graphics, clearfirst); _showing = true; // Plot the histograms in reverse order so that the first colors // appear on top. for (int dataset = _points.size() - 1; dataset >= 0 ; dataset--) { Hashtable data = (Hashtable)_histogram.elementAt(dataset); Enumeration keys = data.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Integer bin = (Integer)keys.nextElement(); Integer count = (Integer)data.get(bin); _drawPlotPoint(graphics, dataset, bin.intValue(), count.intValue()); } } } /** Parse a line that gives plotting information. Return true if * the line is recognized. Lines with syntax errors are ignored. * @param line A command line. * It is not synchronized, so its caller should be. * @return True if the line is recognized. */ protected boolean _parseLine(String line) { // parse only if the super class does not recognize the line. if (super._parseLine(line)) { return true; } else { // We convert the line to lower case so that the command // names are case insensitive String lcLine = new String(line.toLowerCase()); if (lcLine.startsWith("dataset:")) { // new data set _currentdataset++; if (lcLine.length() > 0) { String legend = (line.substring(8)).trim(); if (legend != null && legend.length() > 0) { addLegend(_currentdataset, legend); } } return true; } else if (lcLine.startsWith("bars:") || lcLine.startsWith("bargraph:")) { // The PlotML code uses barGraph, but the older style // uses bars int comma = line.indexOf(",", 5); String barwidth; String baroffset = null; if (comma > 0) { barwidth = (line.substring(5, comma)).trim(); baroffset = (line.substring(comma+1)).trim(); } else { barwidth = (line.substring(5)).trim(); } try { Double bwidth = new Double(barwidth); double boffset = _baroffset; if (baroffset != null) { boffset = (new Double(baroffset)).doubleValue(); } setBars(bwidth.doubleValue(), boffset); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore if format is bogus. } return true; } else if (lcLine.startsWith("binwidth:")) { String binwidth = (line.substring(9)).trim(); try { Double bwidth = new Double(binwidth); setBinWidth(bwidth.doubleValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore if format is bogus. } return true; } else if (lcLine.startsWith("binoffset:")) { String binoffset = (line.substring(10)).trim(); try { Double boffset = new Double(binoffset); setBinOffset(boffset.doubleValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore if format is bogus. } return true; } else if (lcLine.startsWith("numsets:")) { // Obsolete field... ignore. return true; } else if (line.startsWith("move:")) { // deal with 'move: 1 2' and 'move:2 2' line = line.substring(5, line.length()).trim(); } else if (line.startsWith("move")) { // deal with 'move 1 2' and 'move2 2' line = line.substring(4, line.length()).trim(); } else if (line.startsWith("draw:")) { // a connected point, if connect is enabled. line = line.substring(5, line.length()).trim(); } else if (line.startsWith("draw")) { // a connected point, if connect is enabled. line = line.substring(4, line.length()).trim(); } line = line.trim(); // Handle Plot formats int fieldsplit = line.indexOf(","); if (fieldsplit == -1) { fieldsplit = line.indexOf(" "); } if (fieldsplit == -1) { fieldsplit = line.indexOf("\t"); // a tab } if (fieldsplit == -1) { // Have just one number per line try { Double xpt = new Double(line); addPoint(_currentdataset, xpt.doubleValue()); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore if format is bogus. } } else { String y = (line.substring(fieldsplit+1)).trim(); try { Double ypt = new Double(y); addPoint(_currentdataset, ypt.doubleValue()); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore if format is bogus. } } } return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// protected variables //// /** @serial The current dataset. */ protected int _currentdataset = -1; /** @serial A vector of datasets. */ protected Vector _points = new Vector(); /** @serial A vector of histogram data. */ protected Vector _histogram = new Vector(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// private methods //// /* In the specified data set, add the specified value to the * histogram. Data set indices begin with zero. If the data set * does not exist, create it. * The new point will visibly alter the histogram if the plot is visible * on the screen. Otherwise, it will be drawn the next time the histogram * is drawn on the screen. * * This is not synchronized, so the caller should be. Moreover, this * should only be called in the event dispatch thread. It should only * be called by _executeDeferredActions(). * * @param dataset The data set index. * @param value The new value. */ private void _addPoint(int dataset, double value) { // Ensure replot of offscreen buffer. _plotImage = null; _checkDatasetIndex(dataset); // Calculate the bin number. int bin = (int)(Math.round((value-_binOffset)/_binWidth)); Integer binobj = new Integer(bin); // Add to the appropriate bin Hashtable bins = (Hashtable)_histogram.elementAt(dataset); int count; if (bins.containsKey(binobj)) { // increase the count count = 1 + ((Integer)bins.get(binobj)).intValue(); bins.put(binobj, new Integer(count)); } else { // start a new entry. count = 1; bins.put(binobj, new Integer(count)); } // For auto-ranging, keep track of min and max. double x = bin*_binWidth + _binOffset; if (x < _xBottom) _xBottom = x; double xtop = x + _binWidth/2.0; if (xtop > _xTop) _xTop = xtop; if ((double)count > _yTop) _yTop = (double)count; _yBottom = 0.0; Vector pts = (Vector)_points.elementAt(dataset); pts.addElement(new Double(value)); // Draw the point on the screen only if the plot is showing. // Need to check that graphics is not null because plot may have // been dismissed. Graphics graphics = getGraphics(); if (_showing && graphics != null) { // In swing, updates to showing graphics must be done in the // event thread, not here. Thus, we have to queue the request. final int pendingDataset = dataset; final int pendingBin = bin; final int pendingCount = count; // We are in the event thread, so this is safe... _drawPlotPoint(graphics, pendingDataset, pendingBin, pendingCount); } } /* Clear the plot of all data points. If the argument is true, then * reset all parameters to their initial conditions, including * the persistence, plotting format, and axes formats. * For the change to take effect, you must call repaint(). * * @param format If true, clear the format controls as well. */ private void _clear(boolean format) { // Ensure replot of offscreen buffer. _plotImage = null; super.clear(format); _currentdataset = -1; _points = new Vector(); _histogram = new Vector(); _filename = null; _showing = false; if (format) { // Reset format controls _barwidth = 0.5; _baroffset = 0.15; _binWidth = 1.0; _binOffset = 0.5; } } /* Draw the specified histogram bar. * Note that paint() should be called before * calling this method so that it calls _drawPlot(), which sets * _xscale and _yscale. Note that this does not check the dataset * index. It is up to the caller to do that. * * Note that this method is not synchronized, so the caller should be. * Moreover this method should always be called from the event thread * when being used to write to the screen. */ private void _drawPlotPoint(Graphics graphics, int dataset, int bin, int count) { // Set the color if (_usecolor) { int color = dataset % _colors.length; graphics.setColor(_colors[color]); } else { graphics.setColor(_foreground); } double y = (double)count; double x = _binWidth*bin + _binOffset; if (_xlog) { if (x <= 0.0) { System.err.println("Can't plot non-positive X values "+ "when the logarithmic X axis value is specified: " + x); return; } x = Math.log(x)*_LOG10SCALE; } if (_ylog) { if (y <= 0.0) { System.err.println("Can't plot non-positive Y values "+ "when the logarithmic Y axis value is specified: " + y); return; } y = Math.log(y)*_LOG10SCALE; } // Use long here because these numbers can be quite large // (when we are zoomed out a lot). long ypos = _lry - (long)((y - _yMin) * _yscale); long xpos = _ulx + (long)((x - _xMin) * _xscale); _drawBar(graphics, dataset, xpos, ypos, true); // Restore the color, in case the box gets redrawn. graphics.setColor(_foreground); } /* Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits. * This simply calls the base class. * * This is not synchronized, so the caller should be. Moreover, this * should only be called in the event dispatch thread. It should only * be called by _executeDeferredActions(). */ private void _fillPlot() { super.fillPlot(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// private variables //// /** @serial The width of a bar. */ private double _barwidth = 0.5; /** @serial The offset between bars. */ private double _baroffset = 0.15; /** @serial The width of a bin. */ private double _binWidth = 1.0; /** @serial The offset between bins. */ private double _binOffset = 0.5; /** @serial Last filename seen in command-line arguments. */ private String _filename = null; /** @serial Set by _drawPlot(), and reset by clear(). */ private boolean _showing = false; }