# CAUTION: automatically generated file by a rule in ptcommon.mk # This file will source all the Tcl files that use Java. # This file will source the tcl files list in the # makefile SIMPLE_JTESTS and GRAPHICAL_JTESTS variables # This file is different from all.itcl in that all.itcl # will source all the .itcl files in the current directory # # Set the following to avoid endless calls to exit if {![info exists reallyExit]} {set reallyExit 0} # Exiting when there are no more windows is wrong #::tycho::TopLevel::exitWhenNoMoreWindows 0 # If there is no update command, define a dummy proc. Jacl needs this if {[info command update] == ""} then { proc update {} {} } #Do an update so that we are sure tycho is done displaying update set savedir "[pwd]" if {"dummy.tcl" != ""} {foreach i [list dummy.tcl] {puts $i; cd "$savedir"; if [ file exists $i ] { if [ catch {source $i} msg] {puts "Error: $msg"}}}} puts stderr HistogramMLApplication.tcl cd "$savedir" if [ file exists HistogramMLApplication.tcl ] { if [catch {source HistogramMLApplication.tcl} msg] {puts "Error: $msg"}} puts stderr PlotApplication.tcl cd "$savedir" if [ file exists PlotApplication.tcl ] { if [catch {source PlotApplication.tcl} msg] {puts "Error: $msg"}} puts stderr PlotBox.tcl cd "$savedir" if [ file exists PlotBox.tcl ] { if [catch {source PlotBox.tcl} msg] {puts "Error: $msg"}} puts stderr Pxgraph.tcl cd "$savedir" if [ file exists Pxgraph.tcl ] { if [catch {source Pxgraph.tcl} msg] {puts "Error: $msg"}} catch {doneTests} exit