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Sustainable Chemistry

The presidents of the chemical societies of France (SFC), Germany (GDCh), Japan (CSJ), the Netherlands (KNCV), the UK (RSC), and the USA (ACS) recently pledged on behalf of about 300,000 members to "work together to promote global sustainable development, demand responsible use of resources, and ensure that the next generation of scientists protects and maintains the well-being of Earth and its inhabitants." They deem this issue an urgent one, and that chemistry is absolutely essential to the development of solutions.

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Complete Oxidation of Xylose for Bioelectricity Generation by Reconstructing a Bacterial Xylose Utilization Pathway in vitro

Complete Oxidation of Xylose for Bioelectricity Generation by Reconstructing a Bacterial Xylose Utilization Pathway in vitro

Enzymes in electrochemistry: In the in vitro enzymatic pathway used for enzymatic fuel cells, xylose is oxidized by a bacterial pentose phosphate pathway consisting of 14 enzymes, using ATP or stable and inexpensive polyphosphate as the phosphate donor, and yielding 20 moles of electrons per mole of xylose.

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ChemCatChem, March 07, 2018, Read article

Improvement in the Photobiological Hydrogen Production of Aggregated Chlorella by Dimethyl Sulfoxide

Improvement in the Photobiological Hydrogen Production of Aggregated Chlorella by Dimethyl Sulfoxide

A deep breath: The presence of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in an aqueous environment significantly enhances the photobiological H2 production efficiency of Chlorella aggregates. DMSO, as an organic small molecule, stimulates cellular respiration, which reduces the oxygen content inside the aggregates and enhances hydrogenase activity.

Lei Shu, Wei Xiong, Changyu Shao, Tingting Huang, Pengqiang Duan, Kun Liu, Xurong Xu, Weimin Ma, Ruikang Tang
ChemBioChem, February 23, 2018, Read article

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