HSM for Dummies
Figure A.4: CryptoServer Simulator status
Connecting to the CryptoServer Simulator
via CAT
With the CryptoServer Adminstration Tool (CAT) you can manage and administer
the HSM via a graphic toolset. The first step is to set up the connection via the
CAT and the Simulator.
1. Launch the CAT by clicking the icon on your desktop.
If you selected the ‘launch CAT’ option during the installation process,
the CAT is still running.
2. Click on ‘Devices’ in the main CAT window.
3. Enter 3001@ for the IP address of the CryptoServer Simulator into
the ‘New Device’ box.
4. Click on ‘Add to List’.
5. Click on ‘Test’ to ensure the CAT can connect to the CryptoServer Simulator.
6. Click on ‘OK’ to save the settings.