12 Introduction
Foolish Assumptions
In writing this book, we have given some thought about who you are and what
you might expect from a book called Microscopy for Dummies. These are the possibilities
we assumed:
✔✔Until now, you have not had a microscope but you are fascinated to learn
about the universe it may open up to you.
✔✔You are already the proud owner of a microscope, but you struggle with
how to use it.
✔✔You use a microscope in a laboratory, in a classroom or at home. You sit in
front of this tool with all the knobs, sliders and objectives. And at the end
of the day you need to give a microscopic image to your boss. The best
image, which exactly shows what he or she wants to see. With the right
contrast, the perfect illumination, details perfectly in focus … but you have
no clue how to achieve this.
✔✔You’re not an expert in optical physics and you don’t want to be one. You’re
not interested in complex calculations of refraction index, optical aberrations
or interference. You simply want to learn how a microscope works,
what all the knobs are good for and how best to use them.
If one of these statements applies to you, you’ve found the right book.
How This Book Is Organized
This book is divided by topic into parts and then into chapters. The following sections
tell you what types of information you can find in each part.
Part I: Basics of Microscopy
Learn about the different types of microscopes and how they work. You will read
about the physical terms connected to microscopy and their meaning.
Part II: A Deeper Look into a Light Microscope
Here you get an overview of the components of a light microscope and their